ASP.NET CORE Blazor Razor Pages

Web App Differences

In Quick-start post of Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Engineers series, I mentioned different type of web apps. This post I’ll try to clarify what they mean.

Name App Type Description
Razor PagesWeb AppRazor Pages is closer to Model-View-Viewmodel pattern. Razor Pages is a server-side, page-centric programming model, encourages organization of files by feature, therefore easing maintenance of your application. It contains same syntax and functionalities of MVC, but enables two-way data binding and simpler development experience with isolated concerns.
MVCWeb App Model-View-Controller pattern. The Model defines the fundamental behaviors and data for the application and its components. The View uses HTML and Razor syntax to provide the UI. The Controller is a class that receives requests and handles user actions. At the time of writing .Net Core 3.1. MVC is considered as legacy.
SignalRReal-Time AppWeb technologies was initially designed as pull/get protocol, where the request for the transmission of information is initiated by the receiver or client. To achieve two way communication, several techniques were used previously, such as long-poll, server-side event. With the introduction of Web Socket, two way communication is standardized (but still hard to use). SignalR is a wrapper to make development of real-time app much easier to develop.
BlazorBlazor/SPA AppThe future. Single Page Apps web application or web site that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current page rather than loading entire new pages from a server. This approach avoids interruption of the user experience between successive pages, making the application behave more like a desktop application. Several popular SPA frameworks: Angular, React, Vue. Blazor is Microsoft’s approach of making SPA, enabling C# development across web client, server, mobile.

ASP.NET CORE Razor Pages


Part IV of the Series Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Software Engineers

This tutorial shows how to use Visual Studio 19 to create and run an ASP.NET Core web app. This post might be a bit redundant consider there are so many versions of this online. For completeness sake, we have it here.


Note: This series is using Visual Studio. For tutorials using Visual Studio Code and command-line interface, you can refer to this tutorial from Microsoft

Create Web App:

At the time of the writing, ASP.NET CORE 3.1, the recommended starting point is to use a Razor Page. We’ll discuss the differences in the next tutorial. Let’s just get to building the first web app.

Open Visual Studio, click “Create a new project”

In Create New Project, Select ASP.NET Core Web Application on the left, and select ASP.NET Core Web Application, then click next.

Configure the new project by typing Project name. Where you want to store the project. And the Solution name.

Select Web Application (which will generate Razor Page template). Select “No Authentication” (which will not generate identity/user accounts). Check Configure for HTTPS (for security). Click ‘Create‘.

Your Project is Created

Run the App

Click IIS Express to run the app

Note: If there’s a popup dialog asking “Would you like to trust the IIS Express SSL certificate”, click yes.

IIS Express should run and your selected browser should open to localhost with a randomly selected port. Your Web App is running!

Note: Localhost only serves web requests from the local computer. When Visual Studio creates a web project, a random port is used for the web server.


In this tutorial, you:

  • Create a Razor Pages web app.
  • Run the app.

ASP.NET CORE Azure Products


Part III of the Series Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Software Engineers

This post outlines the tools and services required for the series. Bold is Recommended for this series. I’ll write more later to elaborate some of the choices.

Wow, that’s a lot of downloads just to get started using one platform. Imagine how much more will need to download and update if we use different tech stack.

ASP.NET CORE Azure Blazor Products Razor Pages


Part II of the Series Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Software Engineers

This series is for experienced engineers who wants to understand more about web development. Here we’ll try to cover as much as possible while being cost conscious. Most importantly, still use the best tools and services that can be used in a professional and production environment.

We will cover from tools and services required. Simple architectures. Tutorials. Customization. Development Process. And actual deployment (and service customization).

We are going to be using Microsoft ASP.NET CORE and Azure as our stack. Having everything together that just works is great.

Let’s get started.


Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Software Engineers

I am an experienced Engineer. I want to see what web development is about. Where do I start?

If this crossed your mind, this series is made for you.

Table of Contents:

  1. Differences Between Engineers and Web Developers In Practice
  2. Scope
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Quick-start
  5. 2020 Web Developer Learning Essentials
  6. Customization
  7. Launch on the Web