ASP.NET CORE Blazor Products

Experimental Blazor Mobile (binding) on iOS

About a month ago, Jan 14, 2020, Microsoft announced an experimental Mobile Blazor Binding.

The reference link is here

I tried and it ran well on Android. However, we got a nasty crash on startup for iOS. In particular, the dreadful

System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Operation is not supported on this platform.

After few weeks, the solutions are finally out and we can start experimenting with it.

In particular, to fix the iOS crash, there are two parts:

  1. Use different Generic Host options: #51
  2. Fix MainPage initialization: #76

I can confirm this works. Eilon also mentioned they plan to have monthly releases and hopefully a nuget feed.

Happy Hacking!

ASP.NET CORE Azure Blazor Products Razor Pages

2020 Web Dev Learning Essentials

Below demonstrates the necessary knowledge required to become a reasonable Web Developer at 2020. This is tailored for .NET Developer.

Will update this into flow charts in the near future.


PC or Mac for Devs?

I believe we live in a world now that it’s no longer PC or Mac, but both. Console app, desktop app, mobile (iOS, Android), web apps (static, dynamic, SPA, PWA), games… seems options are limitless.

At high level, hardware-wise, PC is the clear winner. You can always find a suitable model at reasonable price. Mac these days are out of touch with the world with their product and price. Yes, Mac integrates well, but the right options, so can top tier Windows machines.

Since I focus on Microsoft Technologies, it makes sense to use PC. I highly recommend Surface Pro, Surface Laptop, or a good gaming desktop PC (not laptop) for development. While there’s Visual Studio Code that you can use to do .NET Core development, the experience is just that much better with Visual Studio. NOTE: I use both VS and VSCode.

BUT, we need to get a Mac as well. Main reason is the popularity of iOS. You will need a Mac to build for iOS. The other added benefit is the *nix support. This is no longer an issue as Windows as there is Windows Subsystem for Linux. Furthermore, the new Windows Terminal is just amazing.

Side note, I am omitting Linux. However, if you want to do Android platform development (not apps), you might need to get Ubuntu (which can be installed on a PC).

ASP.NET CORE Azure Products


Part III of the Series Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Software Engineers

This post outlines the tools and services required for the series. Bold is Recommended for this series. I’ll write more later to elaborate some of the choices.

Wow, that’s a lot of downloads just to get started using one platform. Imagine how much more will need to download and update if we use different tech stack.

ASP.NET CORE Azure Blazor Products Razor Pages


Part II of the Series Web Development for Experienced (Non-Web) Software Engineers

This series is for experienced engineers who wants to understand more about web development. Here we’ll try to cover as much as possible while being cost conscious. Most importantly, still use the best tools and services that can be used in a professional and production environment.

We will cover from tools and services required. Simple architectures. Tutorials. Customization. Development Process. And actual deployment (and service customization).

We are going to be using Microsoft ASP.NET CORE and Azure as our stack. Having everything together that just works is great.

Let’s get started.


Weapon Of Choice II

Part 2 – Devices


  • PC:
    • Desktop
    • Laptop: Surface Pro, Surface Book, or Surface Laptop
  • Mac: Macbook Air (portable)
  • Linux: Chromebuntu (Don’t really need a linux box anymore since Windows 10 supports Linux)

Test devices:

  • Phone:
    • iPhone
    • Android Phone
  • Tablets:
    • iPad
    • Android Tablet